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Friday, February 3, 2017

The Athlete’s Invaluable Ally: The Food Journal.

The first thing a food journal will give you (besides better eating habits, increased energy levels, and better performance on the field) is increased self-awareness. Most of us eat according to our cravings, convenience and even mood.

Here are 4 reasons why you should start journaling your meals.

1. It shows that what you think and what you eat aren't always the same 
When you write down your meals, suddenly you clearly see what you are actually putting into your mouth on a daily basis. No longer can you make your one good meal choice from a few days ago justification for the poor food choices you are making today.
This form of denial that obscures poor dietary decisions is what keeps us from eating well. After all, can you accurately remember and detail what you ate yesterday? The day before? Or even last week? Keeping a food diary will give you the self-awareness you need to make the changes you want.
Remember: what gets measured gets changed.

2. It reveals gaps in your nutrition 
The power of the information you get from writing down your meals helps you close the performance gap between what you are eating and what you should be eating by shining a light on where you are coming up short. Invariably, you will catch some glaring weaknesses in your dietary intake that you can correct immediately. Drinking more water, for instance.

3. It's a powerful tool for you and your nutrition specialist
If you have a sports nutritionist at your school or connected to your team, sit down with him or her and go over your food journal. The nutritionist can help you navigate the labyrinth of what's healthy and what isn't, while giving you clear instructions on how to move forward.

4. It provides critical information on your performance
Ever find yourself sagging in energy toward the end of the week, or "crashing" during your afternoon practices?
These scenarios can often be traced to diet decisions. This goes back to increasing self-awareness. Your crashes and drops in energy can be blamed on something else (stress, sleep deprivation); but more often than not, poor dietary choices are catching up with you—not enough carbs, too many carbs, not enough veggies, not staying on top of your water, and so on.
Your food journal will allow you to draw a direct line between your nutrition and your performance, helping you unlock more consistent practices and better performance in competition.

The Next Step
Over the next few days and weeks, write down your meals and snacks, either in a dedicated food journal or in the pages of your workout log book. Fight the urge to gloss over your less than optimal food choices and be honest about how you are fueling yourself.
Think of your food journal as a powerful supplement to your training, one that will help you eat better, experience increased energy levels, gain self-awareness, and most importantly, perform like a champ.

Add Extras. Recording bits of additional information can be helpful in assessing your diet and performance problems. For example, note when you wake up in the morning and when you go to sleep, since rest plays a crucial role in performance.

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